UFAC has prepared a Toolkit to assist neighborhood associations and groups interested in organizing tree planting events that qualify for free trees that may be provided through the City of Dallas MOWmentum and for the Reforestation Fund. Trees from these programs are targeted for planting in City of Dallas street medians and in the “parkway”, which in most neighborhoods is the strip of grassy area between the sidewalk and the street.
In the Toolkit Table 3.1 List of Sample Forms, Letters, and Checklist consists of examples of Forms/Letters/Checklist to assist Neighborhoods to organize a tree planting project, identify volunteers and supporters, obtain and plant trees, and follow-up after the tree-planting event. These sample documents are go-by’s and can to altered for your specific Neighborhood Tree Planting Project needs. Below are links to editable versions of the examples shown in the Toolkit that you can download and modify.
- Sample 1 Flyer for Parkway Tree Planting Volunteers
- Sample 2 Reforestation Fund Proposal Letter to the City of Dallas
- Sample 3 Flyer for Tree Planting Volunteers in Parkways from the Neighborhood Association / Sponsors
- Sample 4 Letter Agreement to Tree-Host from Neighborhood Association/Sponsor
- Sample 5 Letter to Tree-Host with Updates – What will Follow
- Sample 6 Flyer to Tree Host with Tips
- Sample 7 Texas 811 Dig Request Form– Utility Check in Area of Tree Plantings
- Link to TEXAS811 website
- Sample 9 Proposal Letter to the City of Dallas
- Sample 10 Example Tree Request Form to the City of Dallas
- Sample 11 Example of Tree Planting Project Volunteer Update Spreadsheet