
Can you imagine Dallas as a City of tree lined streets?

lt will take all of us to realize that vision. In order to help us create an inventory of potential locations for future tree-plantings please email your suggestions to us at

Please let us know if you are suggesting a parkway planting (between the curb and sidewalk) or a median. For each location please include street names and closest cross street intersections. Continue to visit our website to check on our progress.

Map showing Potential Planting Sites

UFAC Potential Planting Sites
Site # Type Location Potential Resources Resolution
1 median Frankford Road Between Coit and Toll Road Searching for sponsor Pending
2 parkway Vanderbilt from Homer to Greenville The M Street Conservation District, Pending
Goodwin Street from Glencoe to Hwy 75
Ridgedale Street from Homer to McMillan
Monticello Street from Glencoe to Homer
Mirrimac Street from Homer to McMillan
3 parkway Cole Ave from Knox/Henderson to Fitzhugh Trinity Church Dallas on Cole; The Chapel of the Cross at Cole and Oliver Pending
4 median Fitzhugh from Cole to Katy Trail Searching for sponsor Pending
5 parkway Martin Luther King Blvd from R B Cullum to Lamar St Fair Park Merchants Association Pending

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