Cedar Crest Tree Planting Project
This will be a great opportunity to learn the proper planting methods from city foresters and how to organize a planting project. Please plan to attend!
Save The Date for November 5th. Join our GrowSouth AmeriCorps VISTA team and Mayor’s Star Council who will be planting trees with residents of the Cedar Crest Neighborhood Association.
We will meet at 8:30 at Cedar Crest Church of Christ for breakfast and a brief training from the Citizen Foresters, and then will break to begin planting trees. We will be planting about 60 Oak, Elm, and Crape Myrtle trees along Cedar Crest Boulevard.
If you have them, please bring work gloves and a shovel. We will also have some on site if you do not have.
Join us and help keep Cedar Crest beautiful!
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