Did you know? The City of Dallas is requesting volunteers to plant trees in local parks as part of the recovery efforts to replace tree canopy lost due to June 2019 severe weather and the October 2019 tornado. Volunteers are needed at the following locations:
All Dallas Citizen Foresters, Dallas Parks & Recreation have scheduled tree plantings at the following parks in the upcoming weeks:
Holcomb-Oct 23rd
Pagewood-Oct 30th
Tommie Allen-Nov 14th (moved from Oct 16th)
Valley View-Nov 4th
Walnut Hill-Dec 4th
The time and location of each planting is posted where you register (see link below).
According to Chris McMasters, the City Forester in Parks and Recreation: These plantings are not closed to volunteers, but volunteers have to pre-register at www.dallasparks.org.
This is so we can stay within our limits for COVID-19 and provide some record keeping, in case a positive case is reported.
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