The Urban Forest Advisory Committee is comprised of three Council Members, liaisons to various city departments, representatives from various groups as well as eleven voting members, all of which are appointed by the Mayor. These appointments are based on recommendations by the Urban Forest Advisory Committee and its Chair. The Committee is also assisted by many professional foresters, arborists and city and community officials who serve as non-voting members.
Voting Members:
- Lawrence P. Hochberg, Chairperson (UFAC Vice-Chairperson 2011-2013),Principal, President, Hochberg PC; former Board Member, Landscape Committee Chairman, Turtle Creek Association.
- Carolyn King-Arnold, President Glenn Oaks Homeowners Association.
- Gary Gene Olp, AIA, LEED AP, Board Member, USGBC N. Texas.
- Bill Seaman, Degreed Horticulturist, Certified Arborist, Landscape Designer, Committee Team Leader, Land Planning, Development & City Codes.
- Herman Thompson, Landscape Architect
- Eric Larner, Citizen Forester Program, Committee Liaison, Dallas County Master Gardeners
- Sara Beckelman, UFAC Treasurer, North Texas Master Naturalist, Citizen Forester
- Stan Aten, UFAC Webmaster
Non-voting Members:
- Robert Curry, UFAC Chair Emeritus; President Save Open Spaces, Dallas.
- Mary Ann Graves, President, Dallas Historic Tree Coalition.
- Lora Hinchcliff, Texas Certified Nursery Professional, Municipal Solutions Mgr., LETCO Group, dba Living Earth Technologies.
- J. Brett Johnson, M.S. Interdisciplinary Studies, Wildlife Biology/Geography, Urban Wildlife Biologist, Region 3, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Sponsor/Advisor to the North Texas Chapter of the Master Naturalist program.
- Ken Kinsey, Manager, Vegetation Management, ONCOR Electric Delivery.
- Richard Leon, Regional Urban Forester, Texas Forest Service.
Honorary Members:
- Councilmember Sandy Greyson, Vice Chairperson, Quality of Life & Environment
- Councilmember Philip Kingston, Chairperson, Arts, Culture & Libraries
- Councilmember Adam Medrano, Vice Chairperson, Public Safety
City of Dallas Liaisons:
- Michael Hellmann , Assistant Director, Dallas Park & Recreation Department, Degreed Forester
- Karen Woodard, Dallas City Forester, Degreed Forester
- Phil Erwin, Chief Arborist, Sustainable Development and Construction Department, Degreed Forester, ISA Certified Arborist.
- Kevin Lefebvre, Environmental Coordinator for Sustainability; Committee Liaison, Dallas Office of Environmental Quality.
- Mary Ayala, Sr. Project Manager; Committee Liaison, Dallas Trinity River Corridor Project.
- Carole Davis, Dallas Water Utilities (DWU), Water Conservation Division Mgr.
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